natural & organic skin care

Use Our Organic Skincare, You Can Have Beautiful, Luminous Skin With Just A Couple Of Minutes Of Easy, Daily Care.

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our story

Once you give your skin a complete break from perfume, alcohol and other synthetic chemicals, and use our organic skincare, you can have beautiful, luminous skin with just a couple of minutes of easy, daily care. The rest comes from eating well, being your authentic self, and honoring what makes you happy. So be happy, healthy and loving, foremost to yourself.

about our product

Our certification means that at least 95% of the plant ingredients in our products are produced by organic farming. Harmful synthetic ingredients, GMOs and animal testing are completely banned.

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love from our clients around the world

Our certification means that at least 95% of the plant ingredients in our products are produced by organic farming. Harmful synthetic ingredients, GMOs and animal testing are completely banned.

our product

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skinsho products are certified organic by Ecocert according to Ecocert's Organic Cosmetic Standard available at

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Gaelle Organic products are registered for sale in the European Union in compliance with EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009, the upgraded consumer safety standard that came into effect in July 2013.

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skinsho is a member of the Green Spa Network.

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